Wednesday, May 19, 2010

' The Sins of the Father shall be Paid for by the Son"

There are so many horrible things going on in the the world, but it is only til recently that a dark cloud has truly been cast on our country. It is only now that our country's deplorable crimes against ourselves and against humanity as a whole has finally hit us. It will be left up to my generation to pick up the pieces of a fragmented future that lays upon us. I guess what they say may very well be true. "

Through my time on this earth has been considerably shorter then other lifeforms on this planet, I personally feel that I have witness the incredibly drastic shift in the manner of how our world operates. We've watching the Brilliant Image of this country be shattered by so much real life controversy that we had been able to avoid, because of who we are and what the rest of the world had perceived us to be.

I don't mean to be such a debbie downer, but I think many of us can agree that there is something seriously wrong with this country.
We live in a country that puts more funding into:
weapon-izing our country against other nations
Wasting funds building and fence around the border!?!
Developing Testing that withdraws funds away from schools that actually are in desperate need .
Invading nations that we have absolutely no business being there in ( except to exploit their resources) . The list goes on but these are just the few that had come to my mind.

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